In addition to being young and cool...

We have experience


We are a big hit


We are always on deck



We firmly believe that quality people create quality experiences.

Who hasn't been nicely surprised by a waiter's friendly service? A hair dresser's personal attention? A receptionist's kind words? Who hasn't been willing to go back somewhere simply because of the warm welcome they received?

No matter what we experience, the quality of that moment is always directly related to the quality of the people who are part of this experience, or make it happen.

That's why we emphasize the human qualities first and foremost.

Our Story


“Kikikoi ? Kikiloue ? Really, seriously, what's in the names?
And you are not afraid that no one will take you seriously?
Because these names sound a little bit goofy, don't they?”

Completely. Kikiloue, that sounds completely goofy. As a matter of fact, we are happy every time it makes someone smile. Because initially, what we were really afraid of, was that we would have to conduct our business very formerly and to be forced to become Real Estate Agents, dressed in uptight dark suits and ties, with shinny black dress shoes. THAT was really scary!

So then Yes: we call ourselves "Kikiloue" because that's us, that's who we are.

We do take our work very seriously but we don’t take ourselves too seriously. We actually want to practice a profession that we love, but do it a little differently, because we are tired of hearing everyone say, and tell us, that “real estate is for grown-ups”. We do know who we are: young, honest, hardworking, conscientious. We are who we are in life as when at work. We are people who love a job well done, who love customers who feel welcomed, and who love happy owners with beautiful well-kept properties, but above all, we are people with a sense of humor.

Kikiloue is our DNA, the symbol of our desire to do things that go in the right direction and to do them the right way, but always with a lot of happiness, enthusiasm and many other things.

...And you?